All works of dystopian fiction that we have read so far take shots at the presence of technology in society, imposing the claim that it isn’t necessary, and even going so far as to claim that it will become dangerous in the future. A story that heavily presses this is E.M. Forster’s “The Machine Stops.” In this story, Forster describes a society where all humanity lives underneath the surface of the Earth, and every individual is completely isolated from all human connection and emotion. The story ends with the Machine’s collapsing, killing almost all human life, except for the people who went against the rules and lived above the Earth’s surface. Many aspects of this story forced me to constantly question technology’s existence, and even made me fearful of it. In the society of “The Machine Stops”, the Machine creates a community of pure isolation. No one sees each other, leaves their rooms, or interacts with anyone. No emotions are felt, the closest thing to human feelings people...